GaragePro Update with a Fresh Design!
We have been working on a new update for GaragePro for some time and finally, it’s ready for launch! It is available for iOS users starting today and will be made available to android users in the next few weeks.
We migrated our software development to Flutter and built the app with a new design that we hope you will like. There are major updates to user flows and the look, but the core features of the app work exactly like before. This post is about explaining the changes and giving you a feel of the new design so that your experience remains seamless as before.
- Home Page
The home page has been completely revamped and new features have been added that help you get done with your OBD work faster.
Here’s how the home page looked before the update-
Here’s how it looks now. We have included clear codes, vin reading and your usage history on the home page itself. The option to pair is also on the top for you to pair your scanner quickly.

- Pairing your OBD scanner. Click on Select scanner on the dialog box or the top and allow bluetooth permission to the app. This is needed to detect bluetooth devices near you and show the obd scanners to you in the app.
Select your OBD scanner from here and start reading fault codes.
- Full scan. Most used feature and has largely been maintained the same as before. Click on Full scan on the home page and enter the car’s details. Then, you see the modules that you can read like the screenshot below-
- After scanning, this is how you can read fault codes.
- Live data
New graphs!

- Other features such as smog check, freeze frame have also been updated.
You can see a minute long video about the new design here. It explains the new flows and screens that you may find handy later.
The update has been made available in a phased manner. That means that a certain percentage or users will get the update daily. Please check on the app store for and update and if it's available to you, please do update the app and email us at with your feedback.
The update will be available for all users in a week's time.